Wastewater treatment projects are always challenging, but when upgrading of existing works is involved the challenge increases.
The project included:
- Upgrade and expanding the existing screening facilities, primary treatment, secondary treatment (bioreactors, secondary clarifiers, pumping stations), tertiary treatment (filtration phosphorous removal), emergency storage lagoons, service networks etc and the construction of new facilities (abolishment of existing facilities) for septage reception and treatment and grease and grit removal and treatment unit.
- Upgrade and expanding the existing sludge treatment works and the construction of new facilities for the anaerobic digestion of the primary sludge with capacity 3500 Κg DS/d (Phase ΙΙΙ) consisting of a digestion tank, a digested sludge storage tank, a digested sludge dewatering unit, a gas-holder tank, a cogeneration unit and a gas flare, etc, and a solar sludge drying plant for the total sludge produced of 5000 Kg DS/d (Phase ΙΙ).
The services provided include the Technical study at the Tendering Procedure (FIDIC Conditions for Design - Build) and the preparation of the Detailed Engineering Design leading to the construction of the works.
- Hydraulic, Electromechanical and Process Engineering design leading to the construction of the plant.
- Support the Client in the selection of the Electro-mechanical equipment
- Operation control and optimization of existing facilities.
- Support the Client in the start-up operation and the plant commission procedures
EMVIS with its extensive experience coordinated and successfully completed this demanding project with increased responsibility in order to ensure that the mission and the objectives have been met on-time with the highest quality standards.
Uncollected and untreated wastewater is a major source of pollution that affects quality of fresh and marine waters and presents a risk to human health and biodiversity. The positive impact of wastewater infrastructure projects is widely acknowledged with main objective to protect the environment from the adverse effects of urban waste water discharges.