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    Our Projects

Reuse of SWTP outflows for irrigation and artificial recharge of groundwater aquifers

Reuse of SWTP outflows for irrigation and artificial recharge of groundwater aquifers




Water is cutting across multiple societal sectors and technology innovation is recognized as the key means to address our increasingly complex and multidisciplinary water challenges and put us on a more sustainable path while supporting economic growth. Space technology can be a catalyst to promote and support technology innovation to protect and ensure the sustainability of water resources by sustaining an environmental information and services value chain.




Earth observations and advanced related services produce a plethora of environmental and climate data. COPERNICUS is the European Union’s earth observation programme and through the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), it will provide valuable information to support a series of sectors, water management amongst them, under a changing future.

Coastal Erosion of Corinthian Gulf

Coastal Erosion of Corinthian Gulf


Physical processes, manmade interventions, miss planed coastal works and climate change have augmented costal erosion along the Corinthian Gulf and have given rise to numerous erosion-related problems in the area.

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